Weekly Update #225

Ahoy there again dear readers! How goes the week?

For myself it’s been busy with life admin and squeezing in time to work on the game. So this week I’ve been through and slashed the number of cards in our Fate and Fortune deck from 50 for each down to 27 per deck. It’s a weird number I know but it’s based off an 18 a side sheet of cards from the Game Crafter….though thinking about it now I’m not sure that I can have two different types of cards on the same sheet, hmm will have to check that. If you’ve got any experience with this I’d love to hear it.

Also on the done list is redoing and reprinting the rules cheat sheet. It’s now nice and ready for some more play testing that I’m hoping to start getting more regularly in the coming weeks.

No picture this week, but figured that a picture of a pile of discarded cards wasn’t going to be super exciting 😀

Looking a head at the upcoming week, I’m planning to schedule in some much needed play testing. Hopefully look at reprinting the existing decks and cards (or at least getting a quote to do so). Pushing the Drazz sculpt towards completion and that’s probably about all we’ll have time for to be honest. I’d love to get more done but I’ll have to wait and see.

Until next week folks, take it easy 🙂


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